Our Vision

Our vision is that all women and girls become self-sustaining and remain well recognized in their community, well respected and truly empowered. We will also seek to continue our role as advocate of women’s rights, promoter of women capacities and driving force of social change.

SGRDO strive to create a future in which all Somali women and Girls will be viewed and treated equally as men, in all aspects of life, civil, political, economic, social and cultural. 


This is done through the following steps

Adopting and implementing promotion issues for poor females, girls and other marginalized communities through SMEs training, and support them

Providing Multi Stakeholder’s Partnerships programing for sustainable development to women and girls.

Sharing knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals for women and girls

Providing Vocational Training skills for the community members especially women and girls.

Training and building the capacity of needy Girls, less privileged at all levels for sustainable development in order to reduce the high dependency rate of women/Girls especially in Rural communities through income generating activities.

To address the Social Problems associated with women and Girls in marginalized Communities like the IDPs and create a more Humane Environment for them.

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